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Writer's pictureAllison Feliciano

Understanding the Fall Lash Shed...

Updated: Mar 5, 2020

FALL SHED: WHY ARE MY LASHES FALLING OUT FASTER? Usually I can go 3-4 weeks, but I'm barely making it two weeks between fills! You may be asking yourself or your lash artist the very same question, "What's going on?" Welcome to the Fall Shed ladies and gents. That's right, it's that dreaded time of the year that lash artists and clients alike fear. Newer lash artists who may be unaware of Fall Shed begin questioning their skills and clients begin questioning if they're doing something wrong. Good news is, it's not you and it's not your lash artist. All humans experience this season of increased hair shedding. But why? To understand Fall Shed, you must first understand how your hair grows. ANAGEN In the anagen phase the hair is rooted to the follicle and it is receiving nutrients from your blood which promotes healthy growth. Have you ever tweezed or waxed, then immediately noticed spot bleeding? This is because the hair was pulled out during this active growth phase. Hair pulled out in this phase will often damage the hair follicle and can ultimately result in a dormant follicle that produces no hair. Which is great for unwanted hair in your bikini line, but not for your lashes and brows! CATAGEN In the catagen phase the hair is no longer growing or receiving nutrients and the follicle begins to collapse. TELOGEN The last 100 days of the cycle, the hair is in the telogen or resting stage. The hair is detached and ready to be shed. Roughly 10% of all the hairs on your body, including your lashes, are in the telogen phase. On average you will loose up to 100 hairs and 3-5 lashes per day. Once the hair sheds, the cycle starts again. This entire cycle for all the hair on your body takes between 3 and 5 years. SO, WHY DOES "FALL LASH SHED" HAPPEN? No one really knows... Disappointing isn't it. We do have some hints though. Swedish scientists examining this phenomenon suggest that, Women grow more hair during summer months to protect their scalps from hot sun and ultraviolet radiation. Come autumn, this additional growth is no longer required and is therefore shed." They discovered that at the end of summer there was an increased percentage of hair in the telogen phase among the women tested. Because the telogen phase always precedes shedding, it makes sense that more noticeable hair shedding was observed during the fall season. Fall Shed usually begins around the first week in October and will come to an end in December.

WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT YOUR lASHES? EDUCATE YOURSELF Congrats! You've already completed the first step! You now know about Fall Shed and why it happens. TAKE YOUR VITAMINS Taking care of your body internally is extremely important. Hair is not essential to your survival, so if your body needs nutrients, it will send the nutrients away from the hair and direct those nutrients to where they need to go. The condition of your hair can be one of the first signs of your inner health. The vitamins essential for healthy hair growth are Omega-3 (Fish Oil), Zinc, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Iron, and Vitamin D. Studies show that women with an iron deficiency are at a higher risk of hair loss, and serum ferritin levels below or equal to 30 milligrams/milliliter are strongly associated with telogen hair loss. USE A SERUM Use a lash serum such as the Lash and Brow Serum from Lash Affair. Our serum is filled with vitamins and peptides that work to deliver nutrients straight to the area that it's needed. It's also designed to send a message to hairs that are getting ready to shed, to have them stay put a little bit longer. EXERCISE As you read earlier, hair grows in the anagen phase due to the nutrients provided by the blood. Exercising at a moderate intensity will increase your heart rate and blood flow, thus delivering more nutrients to your hair. According to Physiotherapist, Shamshu Charaniya, "Inversion yoga postures, such as downward dog and sun salutation, work by increasing blood flow to your scalp and head area, supplying essential nutrients for hair growth. These postures are purported to correct hormonal imbalances, which is another cause of hair loss." DE-STRESS When the body experiences stress, it produces a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is quite helpful in dealing with short-term stress as it helps you have energy, quick reflexes, and heightened awareness. But over the long-term, stress can take it's toll and result in adrenal fatigue. When stress is sustained, some claim that the adrenal glands can be overworked due to excess cortisol production. This means that your cortisol levels, and other hormone levels, could fall. The result of this fall is that your body is unable to produce other important hormones that impact hair loss, such as testosterone. Self-Care Practices to Improve Your Health and Lashes PRACTICE GOOD AFTERCARE You already have Fall Shed to worry about, so now, more than ever, you need to practice good aftercare for your lashes. These practices include proper cleansing using the TLC Foaming Cleanser at least once a day, sleeping on your back (if that's impossible for you, than make sure you are using an eye mask and/or Lash Pillow), and wear makeup that is approved for lash extensions. GET MORE FREQUENT FILLS Work with your lash artist to determine your fill schedule during the Fall Shed season. If you are usually going 3 to 4 weeks, you may need to increase your fills to 2-3 weeks. If your lash artist doesn't have an option for a 1 week fill or 2 week fill, don't be afraid to approach them with an offer. Maybe you can have a 30 minute fill every week for a discount. Your artist will appreciate you asking, rather than waiting for your normal fill time, just to find out that you need a new set! Now that you know all about Fall Shed, you don't have to be afraid as a client or as an artist. You can be empowered to take this season into your own hands. This season will soon pass and you can continue these tips to have healthy hair and lashes all year long!

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